Posted in: Admin, Board Minutes, Minutes

Board Meeting 28-August-2021

Date: Wednesday August 18 2021   Location: via Zoom   

Directors and Officers present:  Bruce KO4XL,  Ralph W1DAR, Jay S. N2ELG,  Bonnie KC2JVS, Mike G K8BQ, John C N1QFH, Jerry Z W4BFL , George WA2VNV

Members present: Walt W4WCD,  Henry WA2ROA Membership Chair

Bruce called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM local.

The following Agenda was presented:

  1. Officer Reports
    1. President
      1. Officer and Directors Insurance
    2. VP
      1. Keys
      2. Speakers
    3. Treasurer
      1. Financial report
      2. Coordination with membership committee
    4. Secretary
  2. Director and Chair reports
    1. John
    2. Jay – Nets
    3. George
    4. Henry-membership
    5. Walt-county
  3. Old Business
    1. BRARA Member Privacy Policy tabled until September Board meeting
    2. BRARA Conflict of Interest Policy tabled until September Board meeting
  4. New Business

Officer and Directors Update

President’s Report

Bruce reported that Bonnie had sent him the application for the O&D insurance to be signed and forwarded to our insurance agent for a quote.  Form will go in this week.

VP Report

Ralph reported no additional requests for keys. Speakers planned are Don King for September and Les Kalmus in October.  Do we have a date for the Radiator Grille?  Should we do this? Bruce says that we want to get others involved?  How many allowed inside?  Henry offered to help. John said we have a campaign scheduled to promote the Radiator Grille.  We’ll do a RSVP do gauge the amount of food required.

Treasurer’s Report

Bonnie provided a financial report.

She then described the process we are following between Membership and the Treasurer.  Membership Committee needs to plan for renewals starting October 1.  Bruce suggested doing more than a simple thank you for renewals.  John told the group that we can  target members slated to renew as well as those who already have. Membership committee should create the mailers. Henry would like to contact those who didn’t renew to find out why and what we could do better.

YL issues, Bonnie is trying to narrow down the focus. Possibly upgrade class with Gold Coast.  Add YL links to our site with permission. Maybe use Ria N2RJ as a speaker. Is there interest in the club –

Secretary’s Report

Mike noted that the minutes for the August 18 Board meeting had been uploaded to the web site.  A motion to accept the August 18 minutes was made by John, second by Ralph and was carried. Mike also presented the current membership report. We picked up three new members in August.  Bruce pointed out people should wait to join until October 1.  In the past, the Board extended membership from July or August.  Jerry Z moved to allow new joining members to count for 2022 if they joined on or after July 1, 2021. Jay S seconded. The motion carried.  We need to communicate with those members impacted as part of the welcoming process.

Committee Reports

John reported repairing the refrigerator is a no-go. Bruce needs to arrange for it.  We also need to get moving on training classes even if on Zoom.  Welcoming group is working on logos. Maybe we can have some on-demand Zoom training one on one. WPForm plugin can be used for polls. Authorized to order it.

Jay reported we still have a number of radios.  He also did a cleanup with Ralph of the parts that arrived with them.  Last DMR nets have had good questions and didn’t need the mailbag.  What is the status of the Echolink? Bruce is still working on it.

George asked what’s doing with the AED. Bruce said it’s on his plate

Henry suggested we solicit help for the Radiator Grille at the next General meeting then set up a planning Zoom meeting to present the results to the Board. Ralph should make the request. Bonnie and Michael to suggest a date for a meeting on membership. Miriam Calabras VP9LN is on the board of the Bermuda ARC. John is working on logo redesign possibly some new tag lines.

Walt reported the electric bill was sent out.  We shouldn’t put down more rocks because the County will be paving the lot.  They are also planning to install a bathroom somewhere in our area.

Jerry says the repeater is working well.  We need to plan a working party to install the link radio from the repeater site to the Shack.  The new POE setup is now on both ends so we can do a remote reset if needed.

Old Business

Action on Lou’s draft Privacy and Conflict of Interest Policies have been tabled until the September Board meeting.

New Business

John reported that by the suggestion of the Welcoming Committee the home page has been updated to improve access to meeting information. Appreciates the feedback on the site design.  Should have a web committee.

John needs to show Michael and Henry how to properly set up the web site for proper billing.

John has some video recorded from Mike’s training that may help Henry learn.

John recommended to delegate the AED project to someone other than Bruce.  George took the assignment to get things planned. Jerry Z has a conflict since he works for the County.

John suggested getting informed on the issues with the insulin pump in Ocala.

Motion by John, second by Jay S to adjourn. Carried, adjourned at 11:26 AM.

Respectfully submitted

Mike Greenfeld K8BQ/ Secretary